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Rethinking Fairness for Human-AI Collaboration
ITCS 2024  
Haosen Ge; Hamsa Bastani; Osbert Bastani

Existing approaches to algorithmic fairness aim to ensure equitable outcomes if human decision-makers comply perfectly with algorithmic decisions. However, perfect compliance with the algorithm is rarely a reality or even a desirable outcome in human-AI collaboration. Yet, recent studies have shown that selective compliance with fair algorithms can amplify discrimination relative to the prior human policy. As a consequence, ensuring equitable outcomes requires fundamentally different algorithmic design principles that ensure robustness to the decision-maker's (a priori unknown) compliance pattern. We define the notion of compliance-robustly fair algorithmic recommendations that are guaranteed to (weakly) improve fairness in decisions, regardless of the human's compliance pattern. We propose a simple optimization strategy to identify the best performance-improving compliance-robustly fair policy.  However, we show that it may be infeasible to design algorithmic recommendations that are simultaneously fair in isolation, compliance-robustly fair, and more accurate than the human policy; thus, if our goal is to improve the equity and accuracy of human-AI collaboration, it may not be desirable to enforce traditional fairness constraints.

Transformer Encoder for Social Science
arXiv  Huggingface
Haosen Ge; In Young Park; Xuancheng Qian; Grace Zeng

High-quality text data has become an important data source for social scientists. We have witnessed the success of pretrained deep neural network models, such as BERT and RoBERTa, in recent social science research. In this paper, we propose a compact pretrained deep neural network, Transformer Encoder for Social Science (TESS), explicitly designed to tackle text processing tasks in social science research. Using two validation tests, we demonstrate that TESS outperforms BERT and RoBERTa by 16.7% on average when the number of training samples is limited (<1,000 training instances). The results display the superio
rity of TESS over BERT and RoBERTa on social science text processing tasks. Lastly, we discuss the limitation of our model and present advice for future researchers.

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